Streamlining Service Desk Incident Management with Solarwinds Ticketing Integration

If you're a Chime V5 user looking to streamline your incident management process and improve collaboration with your support team, you'll want to explore the powerful Solarwinds integration features. These features enable you to access Solarwinds tickets, list incidents, and even create or update tickets, all within your Chime V5 environment. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to make the most of these capabilities.

Solarwinds Ticket Listing


The Solarwinds Ticket Listing Pipeline Action is designed to fetch open incidents for a seeker and enable them to associate existing Solarwinds incidents with their chat sessions. This integration streamlines communication and issue tracking.

Chime V5 Solarwinds Features

Ensure that you have enabled the following features:

  • ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds

  • ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets

Solarwinds Instance Configuration

To get started, your tenant admin needs to specify the Solarwinds instance URL and token under Chime Configuration -> Solarwinds.

Pipeline Configuration

  • Prompt: This field contains the title that appears on the ticket listing card.

  • Associate Ticket Button Text: Associate ticket button text label

  • No Result State: Define the pipeline key to which the seeker should be moved if no incidents are found.

  • Lookup tickets using Session Meta Data Field: Specify the field for searching incidents in Solarwinds, often the seeker's email address: ${Guest.Email}

  • Ticket Count: Number of tickets to be displayed in list

  • Open Tickets Toggle: Fetch all open/in-progress/assigned tickets

  • Resolved Tickets Toggle: Fetch resolved/closed tickets

  • Sorting Mode: Method that will be used to sort tickets (Date Created, Date Updated)

  • Next Stage: Set the pipeline key to which the seeker should be moved after selecting and associating an incident with the session.

  • Options: You can add additional pipeline navigation options to the ticketing card as needed.

Seeker Experience

The pipeline displays a list of open incidents, and clicking on an incident option reveals a link, description, and the last updated timestamp.

Associating Incidents with Chat Sessions

By selecting the option This describes my concern, the seeker associates the incident with the session and moves to the next stage, as configured in the pipeline.

Solarwinds Create or Update Ticket


The Solarwinds Create or Update Ticket Pipeline Action allows you to create a new Solarwinds ticket or update an existing one. It assigns the ticket to an advisor and pushes the chat transcript to the ticket record.

Chime V5 Solarwinds Features

Ensure that you have enabled the following features:

  • ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds

  • ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket

Pipeline Configuration

Configure this pipeline action with the following elements:

  • Notify seeker Solarwinds ticket is about to get created/updated: Customize the message to notify the seeker when a ticket is about to be created or updated.

  • Provide seeker Solarwinds ticket details: This field contains the message to send the seeker, including ticket number, ID, and URL.

Seeker Experience

The pipeline notifies the seeker when an incident is about to be created or updated and provides the seeker with ticket details, including the ticket number and URL for accessing the record.

Evaluate JavaScript for accessing Solarwinds Tickets


In the pipeline action - Evaluate JavaScript, you can utilize various methods to access Solarwinds ticketing API calls. This integration provides a convenient way to interact with Solarwinds tickets directly from your Chime V5 chat sessions.

Chime V5 Solarwinds Features

Before getting started, make sure to enable the following features in Chime V5:

  • ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds

Script Method -getSolarwindsTickets('seekerEmailAddress')

To retrieve a list of Solarwinds tickets, use the getSolarwindsTickets script call, passing the seeker's email address as a parameter.

// Get tickets
var tickets = getSolarwindsTickets("${Guest.Email}");

The response will be in the form of a JSON array, providing details about each ticket.

    "Seeker": "0007002",
    "Agent": "0007003",
    "Question": "Employee payroll application server is down.",
    "ChatTranscript": "",
    "Id": "f12ca184735123002728660c4cf6a7ef",
    "Number": "0007001",
    "URL": "",
    "UpdatedOn": "2023-06-07 12:24:46",
    "TicketState": "New"
    "Seeker": "0007002",
    "Agent": "0007003",
    "Question": "Performance problems with wifi",
    "ChatTranscript": "",
    "Id": "78271e1347c12200e0ef563dbb9a7109",
    "Number": "0000057",
    "URL": "",
    "UpdatedOn": "2023-05-29 13:20:52",
    "TicketState": "New"

You can easily convert this JSON response into an array and perform various operations on ticket records.

var ticketsArray = JSON.parse(tickets);

// Array allows you to get count and loop through ticket records, etc.
sendReply("Count of tickets: " + ticketsArray.length);

Script Methods for Ticket Manipulation

Additionally, you can use JavaScript Solarwinds helper calls to create and update tickets:

  • createSolarwindsTicket(seekerEmailAddress, agentEmailAddress, title, description)

  • updateSolarwindsTicketDescription(ticketId, updatedDescription)

  • assignSolarwindsTicket(ticketId, agentEmailAddress)

These methods enable you to interact with Solarwinds tickets programmatically.


Effective incident management is a cornerstone of successful customer support and business operations. Chime V5's Solarwinds integration features empower organizations to manage incidents with efficiency and precision. By leveraging JavaScript methods, ticket listing capabilities, and streamlined ticket creation and updates, Chime V5 ensures that your support team is well-equipped to deliver exceptional service.

Incorporating Chime V5's Solarwinds integration into your workflow enables you to access, manage, and respond to incidents seamlessly. Whether you're seeking to access ticket information, associate incidents with chat sessions, or efficiently create and update tickets, Chime V5 offers a comprehensive solution.

Related Items

With these powerful Solarwinds integration features in Chime V5, you can streamline ticket management, enhance communication, and provide a more efficient support experience for your users. Explore these actions to unlock the full potential of Solarwinds within your Chime V5 platform.


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