Enterprise Chatbot Technical Onboarding Documentation

Who may be involved in the technical onboarding?

  • Azure AD/Entra Admin - Approve the use of Graph API permissions for Chime V5 web application.

  • Teams Admin - Approve Chime V5 Teams app for the organization, configure user group permissions, and optionally configure any theming or branding options.

What technical steps are needed to onboard Chime?

  • Chime instance stood up by Instant Tech team.

  • Azure Admin provides the customer’s Azure Tenant Id to allow the Chime V5 Teams app to route chats.

  • Azure Admin authorizes the use of Graph API permission needed to enable Azure AD/Entra login for the Chime V5 web application. See Detailed Documentation >>

  • Teams Admin approves Chime V5 Teams app for the organization. See Detailed Documentation >>

  • (Optional) Teams Admin can configure any Teams app theming or branding options. See Detailed Documentation >>

  • (Optional) Teams Admin configures user group permissions for a pilot group.

  • Teams Admin pushes Chime V5 app org-wide or to specific user groups. See Detailed Documentation >>

Technical steps

Chime instance stood up by Instant Tech team

When onboarding Chime, the application instance will be created by the Instant team and be deployed for your use. This process can take up to a day. Additionally, during the POC process we will send you over a sheet of questions that cover features you are interested in, naming and branding information, and additional technical questions for the next step.

Customer provides Azure Tenant Id to allow the Chime V5 Teams app to route chats

During the setup process, Instant will need the Tenant Id for your organization. Typically, we will get this from you in the initial sheet of questions for setting up a POC. The Tenant Id is required to stand up Chime V5 in order to route chats to your agents.

The Tenant Id will also be used to configure Azure AD/Entra authentication for your Chime V5 tenant.

Azure Admin authorizes the use of Graph API permission needed to enable Azure AD/Entra login for the Chime V5 web application

The next step involves configuring Azure AD/Entra authentication, which enables you to use your Office 365 account for authentication. This configuration is important for the Chime V5 Azure AD App registration, which has specific permissions:

  • [ email - Delegated ] Allows the app to read your users' primary email address. Microsoft Documentation >>

  • [ openid - Delegated ] Allows users to sign in to the app with their work accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information. Microsoft Documentation >>

  • [ profile - Delegated ] Allows the app to see your users' basic profile (e.g., name, picture, user name, email address). Microsoft Documentation >>

  • [ User.Read - Delegated ] Allows users to sign-in to the app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users. Microsoft Documentation >>

Once the setup of your Tenant ID is complete, your login page will be updated to use Office 365 authentication.

Teams Admin approves Chime V5 Teams app for the organization

Once you have gone through the configuration process, a Teams Admin can make Chime V5 available for the group you want to test with. Depending on how your organization is set up, there are some settings in the Teams Admin Center that would need to updated.

Here is a general guide the Teams Admin could use to locate the settings for allowing the download of the Chime V5 app:

  • In the Microsoft Teams Admin Center navigate to Teams Apps, then Manage Apps.

  • Manage Apps has a section of Org-wide app settings, you would need to ensure that the setting to allow third-party apps is enabled

Here is some additional documentation from Microsoft on managing Apps and App permissions for a Teams Admin:

Overview of app management and governance in Teams admin center

(Optional) Configure any Teams app theming or branding options

By default, the Chime application has a default icon, and name, that will be displayed in the Microsoft Teams client. Some customers may want to provide a different icon, or name, during the deployment. For more information on configuring the theming and branding of the Chime V5 Teams app, please take a look at this blog article

(Optional) Teams Admin configures user group permissions for a pilot group

Check out this guide for a more detailed write-up of the following information: How to have a Teams Admin push the Chime V5 app to pilot groups or org-wide

Navigate to Permission Policies in the Teams Admin Center. You will now need to configure policies to allow the Chime V5 Teams app to only to be accessible for the small group that is to take part in the small pilot group. Typically, this is a new custom App Permission policy that you will create and name to indicate it is for the Chime pilot testing.

Additionally, you may want to automatically install and pin the Chime V5 app in the Teams client for users in the pilot. To do this you would want to update the app setup policies in the Setup Policies tab of Teams Admin Center and create a new policy for the Chime V5 pilot.

Here is some additional documentation from Microsoft on managing permission policies and setup policies:

Use app permission policies to control user access to apps

Use app setup policies to pin and auto install apps for users

Once you are happy with the testing in a small POC group, you will want to test adding additional members to the pilot group. In this stage you will want to test out applying the pilot policies to a broader set of users and ensure that you can properly scale up the app to more users.

Here is some Microsoft documentation on best practices for assigning policies:

Assign policies to users and groups

Teams Admin pushes Chime V5 app org-wide or to specific user groups

At this point you will want to know if Chime V5 is an app that you will want to add into the Global (Org-wide default) permission group, or if only certain user groups are going to have access to use the app, and if you want the app to be installed and pinned for all users in your organization. When you are done with POC testing, push the app to all end users who will be supported by Chime V5.

Before pushing the app to the whole tenant, here are a few things to consider for the end user experience:

  • Users may have the app install and pinned to the left side of their Teams client. If there are any branding updates you want to make for this app icon or name, it is better to make them before pushing the app.

  • All users will receive a message from the app when it is first installed for them. To customize this message, navigate to Admin > Chime Settings > Tenant Settings > Chat Commands and Events and update the adaptive card for Guest Install Welcome Message