Getting Started as V5 Manager

In this guide we will cover all of the core Manager features in Chime and provide a comprehensive overview of how to work as an Manager effectively. For additional details on how to get started as a manager, please go to our FAQ documentation ↗.

Manager Core Concepts

These are the features that you will want to be most familiar with when using Chime:

  • Adding and managing agents

  • Creating and updating chat pipelines & FAQ content

  • Monitoring chat activity - real time sessions and reporting based on chat data

Manager Features: Inviting Agents and Other Managers, Manager Dashboard - Monitoring Chats and Activity, View Chat Sessions, Running Reports, Create and Update FAQ Content, Create and Update Chat Pipelines

Check out our short onboarding video for Chime V5 managers showing how to add agents and look around the UI (2:03):

Inviting Agents and Other Managers

Once you are added/invited by a tenant admin you will receive an email with your username, password, and tenant URL. Managers have access to both the manager and agent UI. The main item managers have during the onboarding process is to invite agents.

Your agents will be responsible for accepting incoming chats from end users. Agents will only have access to the agent dashboard.

1.) Login from your tenant URL

2.) You will be redirected to the Manager UI.

3.) Click the Manage People tab on the left side nav bar.

4.) Click the Add New User button.

5.) Enter the user details and select Agent for the role.

6.) Click Add User.

7.) If you are signing in using Office 365 authentication, the password that is set will only be used for the initial sign in.

Added agents will receive email an email invite including the tenant URL. You will need to contact your agents and share the password you assigned to them. Once agents have the assigned email and password the agent will be able to login to Chime V5.

Manager Dashboard - Monitoring Chats and Activity

The Manager Dashboard is where a user can configure widgets to display different types of information including live chat data, reports, and agent status.

View Chat Sessions

Managers are able to view both live chats from the Active Chats tab and previous chat sessions from the Search Chat History tab.

Running Reports

Both on the Manager Dashboard and the 'Reports' tab, managers are able to view reports on different data sets and create new ones.

Create and Update FAQ Content

Managers can add, edit, and create different types of content in order to help improve self-service and reply to common questions or issues. FAQs can be easily imported and exported both through the Chime UI and utilizing the SharePoint import feature. For FAQ content the best user experience it is recommended to have good titles and tags assigned so that it is easily searchable.

Create and Update Chat Pipelines

Through the use of chat Pipelines, managers can edit and customize unique chat flows utilizing key features such as self service, AI chat, or agent connection. Pipelines allow for flexible, easy to test, and shareable chat flows and can be overviewed via the mermaid diagram.


Once you have agents onboarded, and agents can authenticate to the agent dashboard, the next step is to test a chat.