Add ChatGPT Into Your Service Desk - Using Microsoft Teams

Deliver exceptional user support by integrating help desk services with Microsoft Teams.

  • Streamlined Communication

    Consolidate your organization support communication by bringing your help desk directly into Microsoft Teams. Experience faster response times, reduced communication gaps, and enhanced collaboration between support agents and users.

  • AI-Powered Assistance

    Utilize AI within Microsoft Teams to provide quick FAQ search, translation, and keyword extraction. Enable self-service options and reduce the workload on support agents.

  • Ticket Management

    Accelerate your ticket resolution times. By integrating your ticketing management system with Chime V5 to create, view, and update tickets within Teams.

  • Actionable Insights

    Leverage reports or analytics and insights from your help desk integration to gain valuable data on ticket volumes, response times, user satisfaction, and more.

  • Customizable Chat Messages

    Create, and customize dynamic chat messages using Adaptive Cards. Make it easier to build rich, interactive, and user-friendly experiences that can be rendered across different platforms.

  • Integration with Chat GPT

    AI chatbots promptly address employees' IT-related inquiries, providing instant support that contributes to an improved overall employee experience by reducing wait times. This efficiency can positively impact productivity in the workplace.

  • Adaptive Workflow Configurations

    Chime V5's chat-oriented model is designed for easy adaptation to include new features or integrate third-party elements, ensuring flexibility aligned with your business requirements for the help desk platform.

  • Routing Conversations Across Help Desks

    Simplify the process of transferring chat sessions from one helpdesk to another, ensuring smooth transitions to a specified helpdesk while adhering to the configured primary helpdesk workflow.

  • Teams Channel Webhook Notifications

    Integrate your helpdesk workflow with Teams through Webhook-powered channel broadcasts. Receive instant notifications in your specified Teams channel, streamlining communication and enhancing collaboration for seamless issue resolution.

  • Teams App Direct Notifications

    Chime V5 introduces real-time agent notifications through Microsoft Teams integration, enabling instant notifications in Teams when a chat is routed. Agents receive notifications directly in their Teams client, optimizing responsiveness and collaboration.

Let us help your team improve your Microsoft Teams service desk.